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About Us
Dolphin Smart Community Builder is developed by BoonEx Community Software Experts.

Dolphin Smart Community Builder is based on aeDating, the most popular dating software on the internet. Since the first Dolphin version was released on May 2006, it has been modernized, supplemented, improved considerably and become an even more popular Community software than the aeDating script was.
In conformity with the "Unite People" mission, BoonEx strongly believes that Community software should be offered free of charge, since the Community unites people of different cultures, nationalities and races.

BoonEx carries out its mission through Dolphin (by improving it constantly and releasing new versions called the latest and modern technologies) but through the Unity - the Community of Communities (by supporting Unity where webmasters and web developers can communicate with each other to share their knowledges and experience).
BoonEx has worked in the software market since 2001. From that time, BoonEx experinced ups and downs but was seeking for progress always: we've been developing the aeDating software which got high positions and was the most popular dating software. The dating software time passed and now Community sites run the show and we are very excited to deliver the best community software!
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